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Find domestic helpHow much does domestic help cost?
What is the hourly wage?
The minimum wage for a trained cleaner in Germany has been €12.82 gross since 1st January 2025. The hourly wage varies between €12.82 and €18 gross, depending on professional experience and qualifications.
Various factors play an important role in determining the hourly wage. For example, tasks, qualifications, experience and the regional wage level. On you can see what the hourly wage of a domestic helper is before contacting them and use this value as a guide. Depending on the qualifications, you can expect the following gross hourly wage for a domestic helper:
These values are based on a national average. Please note that this is the gross hourly wage. This means that social security contributions are to be deducted from it. Therefore, the net hourly wage that your domestic help receives in the end is a little lower.
You can calculate how the gross salary and the total costs are made up in detail, for example, with this gross-net calculator:
Regular cleaning is already possible with a small budget
How expensive it is to have your flat cleaned depends mainly on the size of the flat and the tasks of the domestic helper.
If your cleaning person comes weekly, you can roughly calculate half an hour per 20 sqm. For an 80 sqm flat with kitchen and bathroom, you can therefore assume 2 hours of work. This time is sufficient for standard tasks such as vacuuming, mopping and cleaning the bathroom. If you also want the domestic helper to clean windows, tidy up or do the laundry, you will have to allow a little more time.
For a cleaning job of two hours with a gross hourly wage of € 13, you must therefore calculate 2 x € 13 and thus come to € 26 per cleaning job per week. The cleaning of your flat costs you € 104 gross per month and € 1,248 per year (calculated with 48 working weeks).
Find domestic helpWhat other costs are there?
After you have registered your domestic helper with the Minijob-Zentrale, you must pay 31.45% of the gross wage to the Minijob-Zentrale for social insurance. Since the cleaner is only paid the net wage, they have already paid their contribution to the social insurance.
As an employer, you don't have to provide any additional accident insurance. The accident insurance contributions are calculated and collected by the Minijob-Zentrale together with the other charges. The contribution for accident insurance is 1.6 % of the salary nationwide.
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