Frequently asked questions

General questions

If you can't log in to your account on, this can have various causes. First rule out all sources of error:

  • Check whether your e-mail address and password are spelled correctly.
  • Pay attention to upper and lower case and check whether the Caps-Lock key is active.

If you get stuck, you can always request a new password.

If you have further questions, please contact us.

If you have registered, but have not received an activation link by e-mail, this can have various causes:

  • The e-mail could have ended up in your spam folder. Check the spam folder in your e-mail program and mark the e-mail as "non-spam".
  • You may have mistyped your e-mail address.

Sign up again and make sure you spell your e-mail address correctly. If you need further assistance, don't doubt and send us an e-mail at [email protected]. We are happy to help!

No, we treat your data confidentially.. You will not receive any offers from third parties without your express consent. You can find out more about this in our articles on security in the Help Centre.

The more complete your job offer is, the more likely you are to receive suitable applications. Because: The domestic helpers would also like to get a complete picture of you so that they can apply for suitable jobs. So check your job offer first and fill it out as completely as possible:

  • Upload a photo of yourself or your home.
  • Fill out your job offer completely.
  • Describe in detail what you would like your future domestic help to do.

Once you have done this, you can also search for suitable domestic helpers yourself using the search function and write to them.

There may be several reasons for this.

  • Not everyone checks their email daily; some only do so once a week.
  • The recipient has already found something suitable and forgotten to deactivate their profile.
  • The recipient is on holiday.
  • Unfortunately, not everyone plays by our rules and leaves messages unanswered.

Read more about this in the Help Centre.

You can enable or disable email notifications at any time.

To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to
  2. Open your Settings.
  3. Click on "Edit" in the "E-mail notifications" section.
  4. Check or uncheck the option “New profiles/jobs in the area”.
  5. Confirm by clicking "Save".

To change your e-mail address, proceed as follows:

  1. log in to
  2. open "My settings".
  3. click on "Edit" next to "E-mail address".
  4. enter the desired e-mail address.
  5. confirm with "Save".

You will then receive an activation link to your new e-mail address.

Please note: If your registration on was made using the Google Login with your Google account, it is unfortunately not possible to change the email address in your account. In this case, the only way is to delete the account and sign up again completely.

To delete your account, proceed as follows:

  1. log in to
  2. open "My settings".
  3. click on "Delete account" at the very bottom.
  4. confirm with "Delete account".

Please note that your account is then completely deleted and we can no longer restore it. is trustworthy for several reasons:

  • Part of Lemonfrog AG, operating matchmaking platforms in Europe since 2007.
  • Promotes fair wages and legal employment for household helpers.
  • Ensures safety by reviewing profiles and offering verification for cleaners.
  • Includes a satisfaction guarantee with premium membership, allowing refunds within 14 days.