How do I quickly find suitable jobs on is a fair and transparent platform. We provide jobs for domestic helpers and cleaners across Germany. In this step-by-step guide, we explain how you can quickly find suitable cleaning jobs for yourself.

1. Create a free profile


You create a profile and describe as precisely as possible what kind of work you are looking for and what experience and qualifications you have in cleaning.


"5 years experience with cleaning and ironing in private households, cleaning offices, doctors' surgeries and old people's homes. I am looking for work as a cleaning lady as a part-time job, mainly in the evening."


Also upload a likeable photo of yourself - this way people looking for help can get a good picture of you. By the way: profiles with a photo have a 3x higher chance of getting a job than profiles without a photo.

2. Notification of new cleaning jobs


If a vacant cleaning job that fits your profile is advertised on our platform, we will notify you by email. This way you can quickly apply for it via the message function and have the best chance of getting the job. Of course, you can deactivate the job notifications in your settings at any time.

3. Search for cleaning jobs and apply


Once you have completed your profile, you can start looking for jobs yourself. To do this, use our search function and the filters to display suitable jobs for domestic helpers in your area. Once you have found a suitable job, you can save it to your favourites list and apply for it with a nice message using the message function.


Tip: Verify your profile

Use the profile verification and make your profile more trustworthy. The verification process is free of charge for you and only takes a few minutes. All you need is an identity document and your smartphone. Afterwards, your profile will receive a "Verified" badge.


4. Wait for answers and discuss details

If the potential employer likes your application, you will receive a reply shortly. Then you can use the messaging function to discuss job details and exchange contact information. You may also make an appointment for an interview or a trial work.


It is possible that - as with any other job - you will not receive an immediate response to each of your applications. This can be due to various reasons, e.g. if the potential employer is not yet a premium member or if they have already found a suitable cleaner but have not yet been able to make their job advertisement invisible.

In most cases, it is not your fault if you do not receive a reply. In any case, make sure that you fill out your profile as completely and meaningfully as possible. This will increase the response rate to your applications and also your chances of finding suitable cleaning jobs.

5. Formalities


If the employer is satisfied with your work in the trial assignment and you want to accept the cleaning job, then the correct employment is the next step. Whether on account or on a mini-job basis, you decide which is the best option for you.

Your first step to the perfect job

Create your profile as a domestic helper and search for suitable cleaning jobs in your area. On you are guaranteed to find the perfect job for you!