Housekeeping Jobs in Fredesdorf
Housekeeping Jobs in Groß Niendorf
Housekeeping Jobs in Neversdorf
Suche Haushaltshilfe - 4 Std. / Woche
22941 Jersbek-Timmerhorn Registered Minijob or Invoice (company) NegotiableHallo, für unseren Privathaushalt suchen wir eine zuverlässige Reinigungskraft. Wir suchen jemanden, die oder der uns regelmäßig unterstützen kann. Arbeitsbeginn: so schnell wie möglich. Unten in der Tabelle können Sie sehen, wann in der Woche es für…
We are looking for a responsible support for our household. In addition to basic cleaning, you should be willing to do the following tasks, among others: Window cleaning and cleaning the fridge. Help is required on an occasional basis, and consists o…
We are looking for a reliable cleaner for our house, mainly bathrooms and kitchen. The following tasks will be required: basic cleaning, surfaces, cleaning the fridge, cleaning the oven, and a little dish washing (we have a dishwasher machine). Clean…
We are looking for a reliable cleaner for our house. Help is required on an occasional basis, and consists of 4 hours per work assignment. We offer up to 15 euros per hour. Only as a registered Minijob or by invoice. Preferably with references and ex…
We are looking for a responsible and attentive cleaner to help us in the household. The job needs to be done on a regular basis, for 2.5 hours per week and from 24.05.2021 onwards. Please check the table for possible weekdays and hours. We will defin…
Wir suchen eine zuverlässige, verantwortungsvolle & liebe Haushaltshilfe für ein 7-Pers.-Haushalt.
22844 Norderstedt Registered Minijob 15 €We are looking for a responsible and attentive cleaner to help us in the household. We are very happy to have a clean home! Required tasks include: Window cleaning, cleaning the fridge, cleaning the oven, and stairwell cleaning. We are looking for so…
We are a small and friendly Family of three.
22926 Ahrensburg Registered Minijob or Invoice (company) 16 €We are looking for a responsible and attentive cleaner to help us in the household. We are looking for someone who can support us on a regular basis. Start of work: as soon as possible. In the table below you can see when in the week it would suit us…
Housekeeping Jobs in Fredesdorf
Housekeeping Jobs in Groß Niendorf
Housekeeping Jobs in Neversdorf