Housekeeping Jobs in Bargfeld-Stegen
Housekeeping Jobs in Nienwohld
Suche Haushaltshilfe - 4 Std. / Woche
22941 Jersbek-Timmerhorn Registered Minijob or Invoice (company) NegotiableHallo, für unseren Privathaushalt suchen wir eine zuverlässige Reinigungskraft. Wir suchen jemanden, die oder der uns regelmäßig unterstützen kann. Arbeitsbeginn: so schnell wie möglich. Unten in der Tabelle können Sie sehen, wann in der Woche es für…
We are looking for a reliable cleaner for our house, mainly bathrooms and kitchen. The following tasks will be required: basic cleaning, surfaces, cleaning the fridge, cleaning the oven, and a little dish washing (we have a dishwasher machine). Clean…
We are looking for a responsible support for our household. The job needs to be done on 18.03.2024 within 2 hours. We are interested in a long-term and reliable cooperation. If you are interested, please feel free to write and tell us a little about …
Wir suchen per sofort eine Reinigungskraft (m/w/d) bei der Alcedus GmbH für den Bereich Housekeeping an unserem Standort in Hamburg Langehorn mit einem 3 Zimmer Serviced Apartment, die uns dabei unterstützen unseren Gästen tolle Aufenthalte zu bereit…
We are looking for a reliable cleaner for our house. Help is required on an occasional basis, and consists of 4 hours per work assignment. We offer up to 15 euros per hour. Only as a registered Minijob or by invoice. Preferably with references and ex…
Cleaning place in private household
22391 Wellingsbüttel Registered Minijob or Invoice (company) 13 €Guten Tag. Wir suchen eine zuverlässige Haushaltshilfe, welche 3 Zimmer und 3 Bad/WC reinigt. Gewünscht wird eine gründliche Wohnungsreinigung, inklusive Fenster putzen, Bügeln, Betten wechseln, Backofen reinigen und Treppenhaus reinigen. Am liebsten…
We are looking for a responsible and attentive cleaner to help us in the household. The job needs to be done on a regular basis, for 2.5 hours per week and from 24.05.2021 onwards. Please check the table for possible weekdays and hours. We will defin…
Regular clean of a house with a family of 3 people in Hamburg.
22393 Hamburg Invoice (company) NegotiableWe are looking for a responsible support for our household. We are looking for someone who can support us on a regular basis. Start of work: as soon as possible. In the table below you can see when in the week it would suit us. The total duration of …
Wir suchen eine zuverlässige, verantwortungsvolle & liebe Haushaltshilfe für ein 7-Pers.-Haushalt.
22844 Norderstedt Registered Minijob 15 €We are looking for a responsible and attentive cleaner to help us in the household. We are very happy to have a clean home! Required tasks include: Window cleaning, cleaning the fridge, cleaning the oven, and stairwell cleaning. We are looking for so…
We are a small and friendly Family of three.
22926 Ahrensburg Registered Minijob or Invoice (company) 16 €We are looking for a responsible and attentive cleaner to help us in the household. We are looking for someone who can support us on a regular basis. Start of work: as soon as possible. In the table below you can see when in the week it would suit us…
Housekeeping Jobs in Bargfeld-Stegen
Housekeeping Jobs in Nienwohld