Cleaning & housekeeping jobs available in Werther (Westf.)

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We found 7 job offers for you.

Gründliche Fee gesucht! Sauberer Haushalt

We are looking for a responsible support for our household. We are very happy to have a clean home! Required tasks include: Window cleaning, ironing, cleaning the fridge, cleaning the oven, and stairwell cleaning. We are looking for a person who can …

Wir brauchen Hilfe bei der Wohnungs- und Treppenreinigung.

We work full time and are looking for a trustworthy cleaner for our flat. We are looking for someone who can support us on a regular basis. The job would start on 01.07.2024. In the table below you can see when in the week it would suit us. The total…

Reinigungskraft für Ferienwohnung

Wir suchen ab sofort neue Mitarbeiter (m/w/d) bei Shiny Homes für den Bereich Housekeeping an unserem Standort in Bielefeld, die uns dabei unterstützen unseren Gästen tolle Aufenthalte zu bereiten. In unserem Unternehmen bist du das wichtigste Mit…

Private Reinigungskraft für Gästehaus

Guten Tag. Wir benötigen eine gründliche, zuverlässige und flexible Reinigungskraft / Housekeeping für unser Gästehaus in Steinhagen (5 Zimmer, 2 Küchen, 2 Bad/WC, Flur, Keller, Terrasse). Neben der allgemeinen Grundreinigung fallen folgende Aufga…

ich suche eine fleisige biene

We are looking for a reliable cleaner for our apartment. We are looking for a person who can support us on a regular basis. You should start on 17.04.2023. Please refer to the table below to see which days and times suit us. We need someone for about…

Bodenpflege, Badezimmer Reinigung und Gästetoilette , Fensterreinigung und Backogen

Hello. We are looking for a reliable cleaner for our house. In addition to general basic cleaning, the following tasks will be required: Window cleaning and cleaning the oven. We would prefer it if you could support us on a regular basis. The start d…

Suche zuverlässige Putzfee - 3.5 Std. / Woche

Guten Tag, We are a small family with 2 small kids. One is 5 month and the older one is 2 years old. Also belongs a cat to our family:) We need housekeeping for 3-4 hours a week. We are completely flexible, so we can adapt to your time :) It would …

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