Cleaning & housekeeping jobs available in Ginsweiler

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We found 8 job offers for you.

Looking for

We are looking for an attentive and friendly cleaner. There are approx. 100 square metres to clean. We are looking for someone who can also take on tasks such as making the beds, cleaning the fridge, and dish-washing. We are looking for a person who …

House cleaning

We are looking for a friendly and reliable cleaner. There are 3 rooms, kitchen, and 2 bathrooms to be cleaned. In addition to basic cleaning, you should be willing to do the following tasks, among others: Window cleaning, laundry, and dish-washing. T…

General house cleaning every two weeks, including cleaning the oven once a month.

We work full time and are looking for a trustworthy cleaner for our flat. We would like a thorough cleaning of the flat, including window cleaning, cleaning the oven, and stairwell cleaning. We are looking for a person who can support us on a regular…

Help keeping on top of things

We need a thorough and reliable cleaner for our house (5 rooms, kitchen, and 2 bathrooms). We are very happy to have a clean home! Required tasks will vary but may include: Window cleaning, bathroom cleaning, dusting and possibly ironing. We are look…

Searching house cleaning

Hello dear housekeepers! We are looking for a reliable domestic helper to clean 3 rooms, kitchen, and bathroom. In addition to basic cleaning, you should be willing to do the following tasks, among others: General house cleaning (sometimes Window cle…


We are looking for a friendly and reliable domestic helper for our flat (180sqm). We are very happy to have a clean home! Required tasks include: Window cleaning, laundry, making the beds, cleaning the fridge, and stairwell cleaning. We are looking f…

Putzkraft gesucht - 4 Std. / Woche

Hallo! Ich brauche eine Person, die mir hilft mein schönes Zuhause dauerhaft schön zu halten :) Geplant sind 4 Stunden pro Woche, bei Bedarf kann das auch angepasst werden. Es fallen die üblichen Tätigkeiten an, ggf auch Kleinigkeiten im Garten. Da…

Minijob für Haushaltshilfe (w/m/d)

Wir sind auf der Suche nach einer freundlichen und zuverlässigen Reinigungskraft. I see that you speak English on your profile! I need help with organising/cleaning the house every now and again. I have a three month old and an almost two year old an…

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