Cleaning & housekeeping jobs available in Böbingen

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We found 3 job offers for you.

Reinigungskraft für Haushalt - 3 Std. / wöchentlich

Wir sind auf der Suche nach einer verantwortungsvollen Unterstützung für unseren Haushalt (2 Erwachsene, 3 Kinder im Alter von 5, 5 und 2) in Neusäß. Wir freuen uns sehr über ein sauberes Zuhause, schaffen es aber einfach nicht (mehr) ohne Unterstüt…

I need a helper to clean tge bathroom, I am allergic.

Hello. We are looking for a reliable cleaner for our apartment. This is a one-time task to be done on 28.05.2023. We offer 12 euros per hour. Preferably with references and experience. House cleaning should not be new territory for you. Many greeting…

i want someone honest and trustworthy

We are looking for a responsible and attentive cleaner to help us in the household. In addition to basic cleaning, you should be willing to do the following tasks, among others: Window cleaning, ironing, laundry, making the beds, cleaning the oven, d…

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