Cleaning & housekeeping jobs available in Meinerzhagen

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We found 3 job offers for you.

Reinigungskraft für Haushalt - 2-4 Std. / Tag

Wir suchen eine zuverlässige Haushaltshilfe, für unser Gästeappartement REFUGIUM 2020 in Marienheide, die 2 Zimmer, Küche, Bad reinigt und an warmen Tagen die Terrasse sauber hält. Gewünscht wird eine gründliche Wohnungsreinigung, inklusive Fenster p…

One time cleaning

Dear cleaners. We are looking for a responsible and attentive cleaner to help us in the household. The job needs to be done on 13.02.2023 within 5 hours. We offer 13 euros per hour. Please only apply if you are allowed to write an invoice! A cleaner …


We are looking for a responsible support for our household. Cleaning materials will be available. We offer 14 euros per hour. Preferably as a registered Minijob. You should be thorough and careful with our furniture. Please contact us if you think yo…

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