Housekeeping job in Untermeitingen wanted? Find now

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We found 4 job offers for you.

Putz und Einkaufshilfe

Dear cleaners. We are looking for an attentive and friendly cleaner. There are approx. 75 square metres to clean. We would like a thorough cleaning of the flat, including window cleaning, ironing, laundry, making the beds, cleaning the fridge, cleani…

Household help wanted - one-time 2 hours

Wir sind auf der Suche nach einer verantwortungsvollen Unterstützung für unseren Haushalt. Dies ist eine einmalige Aufgabe, die 2 Stunden erledigt werden soll. Stundenlohn nach Absprache. Wir möchten die Arbeit als "Minijob" oder gegen Rechnung bezah…

Floor is dirty and I think this is the hardest part

Hello. We are looking for a responsible and attentive cleaner to help us in the household. We are looking for someone who can also take on tasks such as window cleaning, ironing, and cleaning the oven. The job needs to be done every now and then. Eac…

Boden putzen, Fenster putzen, Bügeln

Hello. We are looking for a reliable cleaner for our house. We are looking for someone who can also take on tasks such as window cleaning and ironing. We are looking for a person who can support us on a regular basis. You should start on 21.12.2022. …

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Are you looking for a suitable domestic help job in your area? Here you will find a selection of suitable jobs for domestic helpers in many German cities. New jobs for cleaning helpers, ironing helpers or cleaners are published daily. Register directly and free of charge and apply for suitable job offers.