Housekeeping job in Benediktbeuern wanted? Find now

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We found 5 job offers for you.

We need you :-)

We are looking for a responsible support for our household. We would prefer it if you could support us on a regular basis. The start date would be the 29.02.2024. You can see which days and times would suit us in the table below. It would be great if…

Unterstützung im Housekeeping gesucht

Die Lauterbacher Mühle liegt in der naturgeschützten, märchenhaften Landschaft der Osterseen. Die Philosophie der Lauterbacher Mühle ist ganzheitlich. Sie richtet sich an Menschen in Krisensituationen, die ihr Leben wieder neu und kreativ gestalten w…

Putzhilfe für Privathaushalt

Dear cleaners. We are looking for a reliable cleaner for our house. We would prefer it if you could support us on a regular basis. Start date would be as soon as possible. You can see which days and times would suit us in the table below. It would be…

Haushaltshilfe gesucht privat - Königsdorf

Hello dear housekeepers! Wir sind eine Familie mit 2 kinder. Wir wohnen in Königsdorf. Ich suche jemanden, der unsere Haus wöchentlich um 4-5h putzt. Wenn Sie Verfügbarkeit haben, schreiben Sie mir bitte. Ich freue mich auf Ihre Antwort. Danke! We …

Support me in home working

Hello. We need a thorough and reliable cleaner for our flat (4 rooms, kitchen, and 2 bathrooms). We are very happy to have a clean home! Required tasks include: Window cleaning, ironing, laundry, and cleaning the fridge. We are looking for a person w…

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