Cleaning & housekeeping jobs available in Orsingen-Nenzingen

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We found 4 job offers for you.


Hello dear housekeepers! I am looking for a responsible support for my household. We are looking for someone who can also take on tasks such as cleaning the fridge and cleaning the oven, floors, remove the dust etc. I am looking for a person who can…

Deep house cleaning

We are looking for an attentive and friendly cleaner. There are approx. 105 square metres to clean. In addition to basic cleaning, you should be willing to do the following tasks, among others: Window cleaning, making the beds, cleaning the fridge, c…


We are looking for a responsible support for our household. In addition to basic cleaning, you should be willing to do the following tasks, among others: Window cleaning, ironing, laundry, cleaning the fridge, cleaning the oven, and office cleaning. …

Minijob für Haushaltshilfe (w/m/d)

Hallo Ich suche einen weiteren Housekeeper für unsere Ferienwohnung auf der Insel Reichenau. Die Aufgaben sind, die Reinigung und die Ferienwohnung perfekt für die nächsten Gäste vorzubereiten. Das Housekeeping sollte in der Regel zwischen 10:30 un…

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