Cleaning & housekeeping jobs available in Jestetten

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We found 2 job offers for you.

Ich möchte eune zuverlässige u.vertrauenswürdige Raumpflegerin buchen.2 liebe Hunde vorhanden

We are looking for a responsible support for our household. We are looking for someone on a regular basis. The first working day would be the 14.06.2024. In the table below you can see on which days it would suit us. We are looking for a person who c…

House cleaning

Hello. We are looking for a reliable cleaner for our house. This job takes 2 hours to 3hours to be completed. It will be required occasionally, starting on 02.04.2023. We offer up to 15 euros per hour. Preferably with references and experience. House…

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