Cleaning & housekeeping jobs available in Durbach

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We found 4 job offers for you.

Looking For House Cleaning

We are looking for a reliable cleaner for our apartment. We are looking for someone who can also take on tasks such as window cleaning and ironing. We are looking for someone who can support us on a regular basis. Start of work: as soon as possible. …

Minijob für Haushaltshilfe (w/m/d)

Hallo liebe Haushaltshelfer! Wir suchen eine aufmerksame, zuverlässige und freundliche Reinigungskraft für etwa 58 Quadratmeter. Deine Aufgaben umfassen allgemeine Grundreinigung, Fensterputzen, Bügeln, Kühlschrank- und Ofenreinigung sowie das Reinig…


Hello dear housekeepers! We are looking for a reliable cleaner for our apartment. We are looking for someone on a regular basis. It would be best if you could start as soon as possible. We are looking for a person who can support us for 9 hours per m…

Cleaner and a housekeeper

We need a thorough and reliable cleaner for our flat (2 rooms, kitchen, and bathroom). We are looking for someone who can also take on tasks such as window cleaning and cleaning the oven. We are looking for a person who can support us on a regular ba…

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