

What payment methods are available?

You can use one of the following payment methods: Credit card (Mastercard, Visa, American Express), PayPal, Giropay (only available for households and companies)

How can I redeem a voucher?

To redeem a voucher, proceed as follows: log in to click on "Upgrade to premium" at the top right. click at the bottom

What is the satisfaction guarantee and when can I claim it?

With, private individuals and companies can find a suitable domestic help. We believe that this should be possible for everyone quickly and easily.

I received an email about a promotion, but the discount isn't applied. What can I do?

Every email with a special promotion contains the "Redeem discount" button. Important: You can only redeem the discount if you click

Why can it take several days before my premium membership is activated?

Your premium membership will be automatically activated when we receive your payment. Some banks need up to 5 days

My payment failed, what can I do?

What do I have to do when my payment has failed?