
19258 Boizenburg

Angaben zum gesuchten Job

  • Allg. Wohnungsreinigung
  • Fenster putzen
  • Bügeln
  • Wäsche waschen
  • Betten wechseln
  • Geschirr abwaschen
  • Büroreinigung

Persönliche Vorstellung

Hello, my name is Stephanie . 33 years old. I am a mother of two, 9 years and 4 years old girls. I am currently looking for a mini job, where I can help other Mom's, and Dad's, or anyone who are busy and not having enough time to organise and maintaining the cleanliness of their home. Don't worry , I feel you, I am a well organised person, and I don't want my home untidy, messy and smelly too. Cleanliness is my thing when it comes to home. It's also my way to refresh, relax, feel comfortable, and feels motivated when things around me are clean, fresh and tidy after the busy, and exhausted day at work. To learn more about me, and experience my service, please feel free to message me. I'm happy to serve you the quality of service that you deserve.

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