
Employment as a domestic helper

What happens when I have found a suitable job?

After the successful initial contact, arrange an initial interview and an appointment for a trial visit. Inform someone that you know that you are making an initial visit to a potential employer and give the person the address. Stay safe. If the trial work was successful, employment is the next ste

Is the trial assignment paid?

It is best to agree in advance with your employer whether the trial assignment should be paid for and, if so, how much. Usually 30-60 minutes are enough to determine whether you want to work together. If the trial assignment lasts longer, you should of course be paid for it.

Do I need a work contract with the employer?

A written work contract is not mandatory by law. However, it makes sense in any case to record all agreements made in writing, e.g. on the activities to be performed, the start of the employment relationship, wages, working hours and notice period.

How do I find a suitable job?

A complete profile is the be-all and end-all.Before you start your search, fill out your profile as completely as possible. Your profile is the first thing potential employers will look at. Your profile is comparable to a CV in a traditional job application. So check your profile for completeness b

How does the payment work?

It is best to agree on the payment modalities before you start work and record them in the employment contract: Hourly wage or monthly wage Date of payment, e.g. at the end of the month or after each work assignment. Transfer to your account or cash.

What taxes do I have to pay?

As a domestic helper, you only have to pay an employee contribution to the health insurance fund if you have several marginal jobs that together exceed the marginal earnings threshold (for 2024: € 538 per month) or if you have a fully insured employment relationship in addition to a marginal emp

Can I terminate an employment relationship?

Yes, but you must observe the notice periods agreed in the employment contract or those stipulated in the cantonal NAV for domestic workers. If possible, give your notice beforehand so that the employer can prepare for it. It is best to give notice in writing and keep a copy of the notice for your r

Do I get my wages when I am sick?

In Germany, employees are generally entitled to continued payment of wages in the event of illness in accordance with the Continued Payment of Wages Act (EFZG). Here is some important information on this: Continued payment of wages: if you are unable to work due to illness as a cleaner in Germany

Do I have to take holidays because the employer wants me to?

No, as an employee in Germany, your employer cannot force you to take vacation at a specific time without your agreement. According to the German Vacation Act, you are entitled to at least four weeks of vacation per year, and the timing is usually agreed upon in advance. If your employer wants you

Am I allowed to work on Sundays and public holidays?

In Germany, there are specific regulations governing the work of domestic helpers on Sundays and public holidays. In general, work on Sundays and public holidays is prohibited, unless it is urgent work such as emergencies or indispensable care services. If a domestic helper is required to work on a